Law Practice Areas

Satisfied Client Stories

Starting a business? Resolving a dispute? Protecting your legacy?

We have the skills and network to help you in our key areas of law practice.
Thank you for the opportunity to help you on your journey!

Founding the corporation was the easy part. Putting together a thoughtful Operating Agreement took much more negotiation. Thank you Lisa for helping our startup!

My neighbor and I had a dispute over his fence; he had clearly built it on my side of the property line. Lisa helped resolve this amicably, and ensured my title and land are unencumbered.

First is was a dispute with the County over water rights. Then, it was an Imminent Domain action to take my property. With LIsa I won the water rights and get proper value for my property in one clean action.

Our Major Clients

Large and Small, Public and Private, High-Profit and Non-Profit

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